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#16: Getting unstuck is easier than you think

by | Journal Prompts

Do you ever get stuck?

Stuck is staying in a relationship that stopped working long ago. Or eating another pint of Ben & Jerry’s while thinking about how tight your jeans are. Stuck is avoiding that half-completed project begging for attention on your desk.

Stuck is uncomfortable. It makes us feel hopeless, helpless, full of despair.

Paralysis sets in when we don’t know the *real* reason we’re stuck. Not knowing why we’re stuck means we’re unable to take action. But getting unstuck is easier than you think.

I know this because the Page and I share a 300 sq.ft. studio apartment.

I chose this apartment. Granted, it was empty and the warm bamboo floors were awash with golden autumn sunlight when I first saw it. I probably would have signed the lease on a prison cell with that kind of natural light.

So our tiny, fabulously-lit apartment was driving me crazy last week. I didn’t have enough space. The obvious solution? Move.

But just *thinking* about the enormous undertaking of a move left me stricken. The packing, the change of address, the cable installation, all those stairs…

I got stuck.

The Page found me lying on the bed, paralyzed and hyperventilating.

It turns out the solution was much simpler than a change of residence. I just needed some boxes. Boxes to store off-season items, to make room, to clear out the clutter.

The Page left to get boxes, and suddenly I could breathe again. No U-haul necessary!

Discovering your sticking point will propel you into action and toward a solution. Let’s get you energized and inspired again.

Get our your journal and answer the question:

  • Why am I stuck?

The first few answers are predictable. They sound like something your partner, your mother, or your boss might say.

Keep digging. Answer it again. And again. And again.

  • Why am I REALLY stuck?

Write every answer to that question, for as long as you need to, until you hit the one that causes a jolt. A little burst of electricity.

The right answer is the one that motivates you to take action, right now.

And you may find that the solution is easier than you expected.

Yours in journaling,


hey, friend!

I’m Kristin. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. Thanks for coming!