Understanding the origin of your true fears empowers you to stare them down and thrive.
blog categories
journal prompts
how to journal
product reviews
Birthday Journaling, the Pisces Way
Birthdays provide a natural time to reflect on our lives and explore our own stories.
#49: The gifts of birthday journaling
Birthdays provide a natural milestone for celebrating past and… present.
#48: Spring has sprung!
In this season of fresh starts, embrace your newfound energy with small, manageable steps.
How to Journal
Journaling at its heart is simple. Here’s how to keep it that way.
Breathe Life into Your Fiction with Journaling
Harness the power of a regular journaling practice to feed your other writing.
5 Ways Journaling Helps You Navigate Change
Journaling provides solid ground, continuity, and proof that you’re a survivor.
Standard Issue Agenda No. 2021 Review and pics
The Standard Issue Agenda is a beautifully designed, quality diary and you just might love it like I do.
Welcome to Journaling Saves 2.0!
I’m so excited to be back with a freshly launched Journaling Saves 2.0!
10 Ways Journaling Builds Your Creativity
Journaling increases your creative quotient, breathing life into any medium.
Behance Action Journal Review and pics
A review of the Behance Action Journal which organizes your thoughts and dreams in style. Love!
The Magic of Journaling by Hand
Journaling by hand may seem old-fashioned but here’s why it’s essential.
7 Ways to Keep Your Journal Private
Privacy is essential. Here are some tips to keep your journal private.
8 Reasons to Journal Daily
Daily journaling is the best method for growth and emotional clarity.
7 Ways to Beat the Journaling “Blahs”
Journaling can lose its charm. Try these 7 tools to get back on track.
5 Surefire Tips to Jumpstart Your Journaling
Overcome writer’s block and move forward with these tips.
7 Easy Steps to Be a Better Quitter
This series of posts will walk you through the process of change from beginning to end.
#47: What do you want?
Discover the power of the most simple prompt in the world.
#46: What are you waiting for?
Use your journal to explore the reasons behind your actions… and inactions.
#45: Well, I never!
Have you been coloring inside the lines for so long that you’ve forgotten how to break free?
#44: What makes you feel abundant?
When you embrace an abundance mindset, you take risks that bring great rewards.