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Interview: Andrea Schroeder of ABC Creativity

by | Interviews

I’m very excited to feature Andrea Schroeder of Creative Dream Incubator in today’s journaling interview. I’ve been following Andrea’s site for awhile, and she’s a fabulous source of inspiration. Not only for getting creative, but also for defining your own dreams and then making them come true. She truly “walks the talk.”

With this journaling interview series, I hope to connect you with other journalers, showcase some great journaling resources, and illustrate that there are as many ways to journal as there are journalers. I hope you enjoy!

How did you get started journaling? How long have you been doing it?

i can’t remember ever not journaling! even as a child, i always had a diary to write in. in my early 20s i started using journaling less as a diary and more as a tool for personal growth and spiritual practice.

Tell us about 21 Secrets, your class, and how you got involved in teaching.

21 secrets is an art journal playground with 21 different art journal teachers teaching 21 different art journal classes! it’s an amazing way to explore lots of different creative journaling approaches, styles and techniques.

my class is called “i am magic” and is about exploring your intuition and creativity to find the place inside where you are magic and you *know* that you can do anything.

i started teaching creative journaling about four years ago in creativity workshops. these workshops combine meditation, inner exploration and creative self-expression as tools for healing and transformation. i love my workshops and am really enjoying bringing them online where they are accessible to so many more people.

Your website has lots of art journaling resources. Do you consider yourself mainly a visual journaler?

yes i do. “writing it out” in my journal can often keep me in my head, spinning around in the story and not moving towards resolution and healing. writing it out combined with expressing it with colour and creative play brings me into my feelings, and into the moment, and into the space where i open up to the healing and transformation.

this is really not about art, it’s about creativity and using creativity to express what’s inside. you don’t have to be an artist to do it, and it really doesn’t matter how it looks. it’s all about how it feels.

Where do you get ideas and inspiration for your journal pages/entries?

I bring whatever is happening in my life to the journal and just see where it goes.

What are some journaling materials or tools you consider essential?

i don’t think there are any true essentials. everyone has their own style and preferences and that is good! in my workshops i always encourage people to just play and experiment and use whatever art supplies they feel inspired to explore.

Do you have a preferred journal or sketchbook that you rely on and recommend?

i love my moleskines! are such great quality. but i also use a lot of plain black hardcover artist sketchbooks.

Do you encorporate journaling in many of your creativity workshops?

yes, it’s in all of them actually.

Do you share all your journals, or do you keep some of your journaling private?

i do try to push myself to share as much as possible because as a teacher i think it’s important to share my actual processes and experiences and not just teach theories. i encourage my students to open up more and go deeper and they’re not going to listen to me if i’m not showing them how i’m doing it myself.

though some of my journals do feel more private than others – i still share those in my classes but don’t photograph them and put them on my blog.

How has journaling impacted your life?

my journal is my haven. it’s my best tool for healing and growing and exploring and without it i think i would be pretty stuck.

What surprises you most about journaling?

how the answer always comes. no matter what is going on or how hurt i feel, as soon as i bring it to my journal, i always work it out.

What’s your biggest journaling challenge or roadblock?

not making enough time for it.

Any advice for folks (like me!) who are mainly writers but would like to get more creative in their journals?

i think the easiest way to get started is just to use different coloured pens. or try thin markers or glitter pens.

flip through magazines and pick out pictures that speak to you and use them to create a collage in your journal. if there is a particular art supply that you are interested in – get it! then bring it to your journal and, without expectations, see what comes out.

Anything else you’d like to share?

if you want to explore your creative side, i do a free creativity e-course right here.

thanks so much kristin. it is such a delight to be interviewed by you.

Yours in journaling,


hey, friend!

I’m Kristin. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. Thanks for coming!