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#48: Spring has sprung!

by | Journal Prompts

Spring has sprung! This is a season of fresh starts. It’s time to open up the proverbial windows and air out the house.

We need to start small, though. Like crocuses pushing their heads up through cold soil, we’re determined – but not invincible. Embrace your newfound energy and optimism with small, manageable steps.

This week, I have a journaling exercise for you to try. Let’s call it “Spring Cleaning for Your Life.”

Get out your journal, secure a quiet spot with some time when you won’t be interrupted. Take a few minutes to write answers to the following questions:

  • 1. In this season of fresh starts, what one new project might I enjoy focusing on?

Really think outside the box on this one. You’ve got a blank slate – what do you want to create for yourself? Dream a little on the page. What undertaking would make you excited to get out of bed in the morning?

This week, take one small step forward on this new project. A small step is the key. If you want to dig deeper, read Size Matters where I cover the beauty of “micro goals” in depth.

  • 2. What one habit can I let go of that would really help my life this season?

In Seattle, the sun disappears for 6 months in the winter. I develop some coping mechanisms that are best let go of when spring arrives. For example, I can replace my nightly movie-watching ritual with a walk around the block. I no longer need to hide from the darkness and rain. Instead, I can enjoy the later sunset, some exercise, and the smell of cherry blossoms.

Not sure which bad habit is keeping you stuck? See if a round of the Working/Not Working exercise helps you pinpoint some of these less-than-desirable behaviors.

  • 3. What negative or limiting believe am I holding on to?

There’s something innately hopeful and positive about spring. Use your journal to spring clean that negativity right out of your life. Rewriting the stories we tell ourselves immediately changes our perspective and improves the quality of our lives. For more inspiration, read Is Your Perspective Keeping You in the Dark?

I hope this spring season finds you well. Now shut down this computer and go get some fresh air!

Yours in journaling,

Kristin Renée

hey, gorgeous!

I’m Kristin Renée. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. I’m so happy you’re here.