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#39: What can you do next?

by | Journal Prompts

Overwhelm seems to be the order of the day lately. I’ve been feeling like road kill on the Information Superhighway. And it’s not just me. Friends, coworkers, blog readers and even total strangers on the street are confessing their disdain. Our perpetually connected existence can easily overload us with non-essentials.

The problem is that we’re aware of so much more than we used to be. More of everything. The oil spill in the Gulf. Unrest overseas. Horrific details from faraway cities brought into our living rooms via the nightly news.

You can be overwhelmed by good stuff, too. I’m overflowing with a million fabulous ideas I want to share, projects just begging for my energy.

The result of this overwhelm is total paralysis. It’s all too much. We can’t possibly affect change when the scale is so large. The stakes are so high.

Here’s a journaling prompt that will eliminate your overwhelm and end the paralysis.

Open your journal. Think about the issue (or 10) weighing on you most heavily. Now answer the question:

  • What can I do NEXT?

Not, “What can I do in my lifetime?” Not, “what can I do this week” — or even “today.” What can I do next.

There’s always one small action we can take right now to move forward, no matter how stuck we feel. And often that tiny next action gives us the momentum we need to continue. We can break free from the paralysis.

Don’t forget you’re human. I know you secretly wear a cape and a tiara, but don’t get too crazy with the obligations and expectations. Just because you’re aware of it doesn’t mean it’s your job to fix it.

Two blog posts that give you more ideas for dealing with overwhelm:

That’s all for now, superhero. You got this.

Yours in journaling,

Kristin Renée

hey, gorgeous!

I’m Kristin Renée. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. I’m so happy you’re here.