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The 7 Links Challenge

by | Musings

The kids over at Problogger are featuring a little ditty called The 7 Links Challenge this week. It’s a way for bloggers to highlight some of their best material from the archives, as well as favorite posts written by others. I thought it was a splendid idea, so here’s my list.

1. Your First Post

That would be the Magic of Journaling by Hand, the post I wrote which made me realize I needed to build this very website.

2. A post you enjoyed writing the most

I enjoyed writing What Kind of Genius are You? quite a bit. Perhaps more than writing it, I enjoyed reading it to my Dad and hearing his reaction.

I also had fun with Is Your Perspective Keeping You in the Dark?. Labradoodles for Obama.

3. A post which had a great discussion

I got tons of feedback on 7 Ways to Attain Imperfection including retweets and folks writing about it elsewhere, like Sandy Ackers over at Strangling My Muse. I think it hit home for a lot of people, and as a result I’ve started writing an ecourse on overcoming perfectionism. (I think I might need to take the course in order to be able to finish it. If that makes any sense.)

4. A post on someone else’s blog that you wish you’d written

I fully worship Danielle LaPorte and her post “The Manifesto of Encouragement” is so fab it made me cry.

5. Your most helpful post

Based on what you folks told me, Keep it Simple, Smarty was surprisingly helpful in a squishy, encouraging way.

Keeping Your Journal Private was probably one of my more helpful posts as far as solving a specific question goes. And I get the privacy question a lot.

And the series How to Quit: Be a Better Quitter in 7 Easy Steps was intended to be super helpful, but I think it just made people mad at me.

6. A post with a title that you are proud of

I actually wrote Save a Stamp and Free Your Mind using the “magnetic headlines” series on Copyblogger. I don’t know if it worked, but it was fun.

At one point I tore the covers off of every magazine I could find and rewrote the headlines from Cosmopolitan, Architectural Digest and Better Homes & Gardens from a journaling angle. Some of them were really funny. Your Boring Journal is a Dream Come True was born from that exercise.

7. A post that you wish more people had read

I wish more people would read Purge Negativity and Improve Your Relationships because I think it seriously could help a lot of folks. The same goes for How to Accept Criticism, Gracefully even though it’s a superlong post and perhaps a bit trying on the attention span.

Well that was fun. One thing about looking back — it’s easy to see how far you’ve come! There’s a whole heck lotta content in those Archives! I think I deserve a day off.

Yours in journaling,

Kristin Renée

hey, gorgeous!

I’m Kristin Renée. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. I’m so happy you’re here.