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Welcome to Journaling Saves 2.0!

by | Musings

Hi friends! It’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me but I’m very excited to be back with a freshly launched Journaling Saves 2.0.

I launched in 2010 and the site blossomed over the next few years, including a large library of journaling resources, original articles, eBooks, a mailing list and even a podcast for awhile. Funny to think I was podcasting in 2010 before it was a “thing.” I plan to bring the Journaling Saves Podcast back online very soon.

Speaking of eBooks and mailing lists, if you’d like to join my email list and receive a weekly journaling prompt delivered right to your inbox, I’ll send you my eBook 30 Days to a Journaling Life for free. Just use the form below and you can start journaling minutes from now.

If you were a part of my previous email list, you’ll need to subscribe again because I changed email providers. It only takes two clicks! Sign up here! (You’ll snag my ebook for FREE when you do.)

Emerging from the Ashes

Journaling Saves was an active part of my life for several years and then other projects became a priority, including starting my own web design business. As much as it pains me to say it, I’ve recently learned that I can’t in fact do it all. I tried, trust me!

So as I focused on other projects, the Journaling Saves website remained as a live resource for folks to get inspired by the 150+ articles. I pressed pause on updates, podcasts and social media.

And then a horrible thing happened. In 2018 my web server had a meltdown and I lost everything, including my redundant cloud storage. The website was finished.

This happened to a couple other websites I built and was intensely engaged with. I was sick over this catastrophe and even stopped doing web development. My momentum was destroyed. I knew I wanted – needed! – to rebuild Journaling Saves but the sheer volume of work required to do so seemed insurmountable.

Then I found a document of my posts, a tiny WordPress text back-up. I didn’t have the stomach to think about rebuilding for another 6 months. The idea felt like an enormous weight pressing down on me.

But I knew I couldn’t stay away. Eventually I had to come back!

So I have spent the past year (YEAR!) rebuilding this site, locating and adding in photos for each post, repairing every link on the website, creating a weekly email list with a new provider, and updating my 30 Days to a Journaling Life eBook. Hundreds of hours.


…And We’re Live!

I am overjoyed to relaunch this labor of love so I can help people start journaling or deepen their existing practice.

And I can’t wait to re-engage with all of you! My community was always the most motivating and enjoyable part of this whole endeavor.

In the coming weeks, I have several new product reviews to share with you as I continually discover new notebooks to obsess over. I also have a few new articles in the works.

I created a new Journal Prompts area of the site so if you’re looking for some quick inspiration, that’s a good place to start. I have also relaunched the Journaling Saves Facebook Page and I’m now on Instagram @journalingsaves where I’ll be posting original journal prompts a couple times a week. Be sure to follow me for some quick journaling ideas!

As always, please reach out anytime with questions, comments or just to say hi. I love audience participation! You can leave a comment or use the contact form to send me an email.

Be well, my friends. I can’t wait to see you all around the site soon.

Yours in journaling,

Kristin Renée

hey, gorgeous!

I’m Kristin Renée. Welcome to Journaling Saves. If you’re new to the site, start here for the grand tour. I’m so happy you’re here.